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Where Can I Get A Bowling Ball Drilled Near Me

Are you a passionate bowler looking to take your game to the next level? One of the essential pieces of equipment you’ll need is a well-fitted bowling ball. While many sporting goods stores offer a range of bowling balls, finding a place to get one drilled to fit your hand perfectly can be more challenging.

Where Can I Get A Bowling Ball Drilled Near Me? Bowling alleys, pro shops, and sporting goods stores may offer bowling ball drilling services near your location. Online retailers may also provide this service.

In this blog post, we’ll explore different avenues where you can get a bowling ball drilled near you, ensuring you have the best possible experience on the lanes.

Bowling Centers

Most bowling centers have on-site pro shops that offer ball drilling services. These pro shops are typically operated by experienced bowlers or bowling professionals who can provide expert advice on selecting the right ball and drilling it to match your hand’s specifications.

Visit your local bowling center and inquire about their pro shop services, as they will likely have the necessary equipment and expertise to meet your needs.

Research Local Bowling Centers

Look for bowling centers in your area by searching online directories, using search engines, or asking for recommendations from friends or family members familiar with the local bowling scene.

Identify Pro Shop Availability

Once you’ve selected a bowling center to visit, check if they have an on-site pro shop. This information can usually be found on the bowling center’s website or by calling their customer service.

Plan Your Visit

Choose a convenient time to visit the bowling center and pro shop. Consider weekdays or non-peak hours when the pro shop staff may have more availability and time to assist you.

Arrive At The Bowling Center

Head to the bowling center and enter the main facility. Depending on the center’s policies, you may need to pay an entrance fee or lane rental fee.

Locate The Pro Shop

Ask the staff or consult a center map to find the pro shop area within the bowling center. It’s usually situated near the lanes or in a dedicated facility section.

Consult With The Pro Shop Staff

Once you’ve found the pro shop, approach the staff and let them know you’re interested in ball drilling services. They will guide you through the process and provide expert advice on selecting and drilling the ball to match your hand specifications.

Discuss Your Needs

Share your bowling experience, skill level, playing style, and any specific concerns or preferences regarding the ball. The pro shop staff will consider this information when recommending suitable options.

Hand Measurements And Analysis

The pro shop staff will take precise measurements of your hand, including finger size, span, and pitches (the angle of the finger/thumb holes). This ensures a proper fit and comfortable grip for maximum control and performance.

Select A Bowling Ball

Based on your needs and provided information, the pro shop staff will help you choose a bowling ball that suits your game. They will optimize your performance by optimizing factors such as lane conditions, ball weight, core design, and coverstock material.

Drilling Process

Once you’ve selected a bowling ball, the pro shop staff will use specialized equipment, such as drill presses and measuring tools, to drill the holes in the ball. They will carefully follow the measurements taken earlier to ensure an accurate fit.

Fine-Tuning And Customization

During the drilling process, the pro shop staff can make minor adjustments to the hole sizes, pitches, or layouts based on your feedback and their expertise. This customization ensures optimal grip, control, and comfort while bowling.

Additional Services And Accessories

Pro shops often offer additional services like ball resurfacing, finger/thumb insert installation, and grip adjustments. The pro shop staff can assist you if you require any of these services or need advice on accessories like finger grips or wrist supports.

Payment And Completion

You will be informed of the total cost once the ball drilling and any additional services are complete. Make the payment and collect your newly drilled bowling ball.

Sporting Goods Stores

Sporting Goods Stores at

Many sporting goods stores, such as Academy Sports + Outdoors, have dedicated bowling sections that offer a range of bowling equipment, including balls. Some larger stores may also be able to drill bowling balls on-site or have partnerships with local pro shops.

Check with your nearest sporting goods store to see if they offer ball drilling services or can refer you to a nearby pro shop.

Research Sporting Goods Stores

Look for sporting goods stores with a dedicated bowling section or department in your area. This information can typically be found on their websites or online directories.

Check Store Availability

Once you’ve identified potential sporting goods stores, contact their customer service or check their websites to inquire about the availability of ball drilling services. Some stores may have this information listed on their website, while others may require you to call or visit in person to gather the details.

Select A Store

Choose a sporting goods store that offers ball drilling services or has partnerships with local pro shops. Consider factors such as proximity, reputation, and the variety of bowling equipment they carry.

Plan Your Visit

Determine a convenient time to visit the sporting goods store. Consider weekdays or non-peak hours when the store may be less crowded, allowing you to receive more personalized assistance.

Arrive At The Store

Head to the sporting goods store and enter the facility. If required, check-in with any store associates or customer service representatives to inform them of your purpose.

Locate The Bowling Section

Most sporting goods stores with a dedicated bowling department will have a specific area for bowling equipment. Use store maps or ask the staff to guide you to the bowling section.

Browse The Selection

Take some time to explore the bowling equipment available in the store. Look for a variety of bowling balls that cater to different skill levels, playing styles, and lane conditions. Consider the core design, coverstock material, weight, and other features that suit your preferences.

Inquire About Ball Drilling Services

Approach a store associate in the bowling section and inquire about their ball drilling services. They will be able to provide you with information about the availability of on-site drilling or whether they have partnerships with local pro shops.

Discuss Your Needs

Explain your bowling experience, skill level, and any specific requirements you have regarding ball drilling. The store associate will guide you in selecting the right ball and help you understand the options available for customization.

Referral To A Pro Shop

If the sporting goods store doesn’t offer on-site ball drilling services, they may refer you to a nearby pro shop that can fulfill your needs. They should provide you with the contact information or directions to the recommended pro shop.

Visit The Pro Shop (If Applicable)

If you receive a referral to a pro shop, follow the provided information to reach the recommended location. Contact the pro shop in advance to schedule an appointment or confirm their availability.

Ball Drilling Process

If the sporting goods store offers on-site drilling or you visit a pro shop, the ball drilling process will be similar to the one mentioned earlier for bowling centers. The staff will take measurements, discuss your requirements, and drill the holes in the ball accordingly.

Additional Services And Accessories

Sporting goods stores may offer additional services such as finger/thumb insert installation or grip adjustments. Inquire about these services or any other bowling accessories you may need, and the store associate can assist you accordingly.

Purchase And Completion

Once the ball drilling process is complete, you may need to make a purchase if you still need to do so. Pay for the drilled bowling ball and any additional services or accessories you’ve acquired.

Online Retailers

While online retailers may not be able to physically drill your ball, they offer a wide selection of bowling balls that can be shipped directly to your doorstep. Some online retailers may also provide the option to customize your ball’s drilling specifications before shipping it to you.

Once you receive the ball, you can then take it to a local pro shop for drilling. Popular online retailers for bowling equipment include, Amazon, and BowlerX.

Research Online Retailers

Look for reputable online retailer that specialize in bowling equipment. Popular online retailers for bowling balls include, Amazon, and BowlerX. Explore their websites to get an idea of their product offerings and customer reviews.

Visit The Retailer’s Website

Go to the website of the chosen online retailer. Use the search function or browse through their bowling equipment section to find the bowling balls they have available for purchase.

Select A Bowling Ball

Browse through the available bowling balls and choose the one that suits your preferences. Consider factors such as core design, coverstock material, weight, and any other features that are important to your game.

Check Customization Options

Some online retailers offer customization options for drilling the ball before shipping it to you. Look for information on their website regarding this service. It may involve selecting your desired drilling specifications, such as hole sizes, pitches, or layouts.

Provide Your Drilling Specifications

If the online retailer offers customization options, follow their instructions to provide your drilling specifications during the checkout process. This may involve selecting pre-set drilling options or providing specific measurements based on your hand size and preferences.

Complete The Purchase

Add the selected bowling ball to your cart and proceed to the checkout page. Provide the necessary shipping and payment information as required. Double-check your order details to ensure accuracy.

Await Delivery

After completing the purchase, the online retailer will process your order and ship the bowling ball to your specified address. Monitor your email or account notifications for updates on the shipment status and estimated delivery date.

Receive The Bowling Ball

Once the bowling ball arrives at your doorstep, carefully scan the package for any signs of damage during transit. If there are concerns, contact the online retailer’s customer service to address the issue.

Locate a local pro shop

Research local pro shops in your area that offer ball drilling services. You can use online search engines, or ask for recommendations from local bowlers or bowling associations.

Visit The Pro Shop

Take the newly received bowling ball to the local pro shop of your choice. Explain that you have purchased the ball online and require drilling services. Provide the pro shop staff with the drilling specifications you previously selected or discuss any adjustments you may want.

Drilling Process

The pro shop staff will use specialized equipment, such as drill presses and measuring tools, to drill the holes in the ball according to your specified measurements. They will ensure proper hole placement, depth, and angles based on your hand size and preferences.

Fine-Tuning And Customization

During the drilling process, the pro shop staff can make minor adjustments to the hole sizes, pitches, or layouts if needed. This customization ensures a comfortable grip and optimal performance while bowling.

Additional Services And Accessories

While at the pro shop, you can inquire about any additional services or accessories you may need. This can include finger/thumb inserts, grip adjustments, or any other customization options they offer.

Payment And Completion

Pay for the drilling services and any additional services or accessories you’ve acquired. Once the drilling process and any necessary adjustments are complete, you can take the newly drilled bowling ball with you.

Using online retailers for bowling ball purchases allows you to access a large range of options and the convenience of doorstep delivery. Although the drilling process cannot be done online, you can take the purchased ball to a local pro shop for customization to match your hand specifications. By following these steps, you can acquire a bowling ball online and have it professionally drilled for optimal performance on the lanes.

Local Bowling Associations And Leagues

Local Bowling Associations and Leagues at

Another valuable resource for finding a place to get a bowling ball drilled near you is your local bowling association or league. These organizations often have connections with bowling pro shops and can provide recommendations based on their members’ experiences. Attend local bowling events, such as tournaments or league nights, and ask fellow bowlers for their suggestions on the best places for ball drilling.

Research Local Bowling Associations And Leagues

Look for local bowling associations and leagues in your area. These organizations are typically dedicated to promoting and supporting the sport of bowling within the community. You can find information about them through online searches, community bulletin boards, or by asking at your local bowling center.

Contact The Local Bowling Association

Reach out to the local bowling association through their website, email, or phone number. Inquire about their resources and whether they can provide recommendations for places to get a bowling ball drilled. They may have a list of preferred pro shops or be able to connect you with experienced bowlers who can offer advice.

Attend Local Bowling Events

Keep an eye out for local bowling tournaments, leagues, or other bowling events happening in your area. These events are often organized or supported by the local bowling association. Participating in these affairs will give you the opportunity to meet and interact with fellow bowlers who can share their experiences and recommendations.

Engage With Fellow Bowlers

While attending local bowling events, strike up conversations with other bowlers. Ask them about their favorite pro shops for ball drilling or any recommendations they may have based on their personal experiences. Most bowlers are happy to share their knowledge and help fellow enthusiasts.

Gather Recommendations

Take note of the recommendations and suggestions you receive from the local bowling association and fellow bowlers. Pay attention to the pro shops that are consistently mentioned or highly recommended. These recommendations are valuable insights into the places that are trusted by the local bowling community.

Evaluate The Recommendations

Assess the recommendations based on factors such as proximity, reputation, expertise, and customer service. Consider the specific requirements you have for ball drilling, such as customization options or specialized equipment. Narrow down the options to a select few that align best with your needs.

Visit The Recommended Pro Shops

Visit the pro shops that were highly recommended by the local bowling association and fellow bowlers. When you visit the pro shops, inquire about their ball drilling services, equipment, and any additional services they offer.

Discuss Your Needs

Explain your bowling experience, skill level, and any specific requirements you have regarding ball drilling to the staff at the recommended pro shops. They will guide you in selecting the right ball and discuss the drilling options available to match your hand specifications.

Evaluate The Pro Shops

Consider factors such as the staff’s knowledge and expertise, the quality of the equipment, and the overall customer experience when evaluating the recommended pro shops. Please pay attention to their professionalism, attention to detail, and willingness to address your concerns.

Select The Pro Shop

Based on your evaluations and the information gathered, choose the pro shop that best meets your requirements and provides a positive experience. Consider factors such as availability of customization options, and the staff’s expertise.

Schedule An Appointment

Contact the selected pro shop and schedule an appointment for ball drilling services. This will ensure that they have dedicated time to focus on your ball and provide personalized service. Ask about any preparation or information they may need from you before your visit.

Visit The Pro Shop For Ball Drilling

Arrive at the scheduled time for your appointment. Provide the pro shop staff with the necessary information regarding your hand specifications, drilling preferences, and any other instructions you have.

Drilling Process

The pro shop staff will utilize their expertise and specialized equipment to drill the holes in the ball according to your specified measurements and preferences. They will ensure proper hole placement, depth, and angles for a comfortable grip and optimal performance.

Additional Services And Accessories

While at the pro shop, inquire about any additional services or accessories they offer that can enhance your bowling experience. This may include finger/thumb inserts, grip adjustments, or other customization options.

Payment And Completion

Once the drilling process is complete, pay for the ball drilling services and any additional services or accessories you’ve acquired. The pro shop staff will provide you with the newly drilled bowling ball, ready for use on the lanes.

Social Media And Online Communities

In today’s digital age, social media platforms and online communities have become powerful tools for finding information and recommendations. Join online bowling groups or forums, such as or, and ask for suggestions from fellow bowlers in your area. Platforms like Facebook, Reddit, or Twitter can be excellent resources to connect with local bowlers who can share their experiences and recommend reliable pro shops.

Research Online Bowling Groups And Forums

Look for online communities or forums dedicated to bowling. Websites like,, or other similar platforms provide spaces where bowlers can connect, share their experiences, and exchange information.

Join Relevant Online Communities

Sign up or create an account on the selected online bowling groups or forums. Follow the instructions on each platform to join the community and become an active participant.

Introduce Yourself

Introduce yourself to the online community by posting a brief introduction. Share your bowling background, skill level, and your intention to find a reliable place for ball drilling in your area. This will help fellow bowlers understand your needs and provide more tailored recommendations.

Engage In Discussions

Participate in discussions within the online communities by commenting on posts, sharing your own insights, and asking questions. This will help you establish rapport with other members who can provide recommendations.

Post A Specific Request For Recommendations

Create a dedicated post asking for suggestions on places to get a bowling ball drilled near your location. Be specific about your location, preferences, and any specific requirements you have for ball drilling. This will help the community members provide more accurate recommendations.

Monitor Responses

Keep an eye on the responses and recommendations you receive from fellow bowlers in the online communities. Take note of the pro shops or specific recommendations that are frequently mentioned or highly recommended.

Ask For More Details

If you receive compelling recommendations, ask the members for more information about their experiences with the recommended pro shops. Please inquire about the staff’s expertise, the quality of their work, and any additional services they provide.

Research Recommended Pro Shops

Take the recommended pro shops and conduct further research. Look for their websites, online reviews, or social media pages to collect more information about their services, customer satisfaction, and expertise. Please pay attention to factors such as their years of experience, certifications, or any specialized equipment they may have.

Connect With Local Bowlers On Social Media

Use social media platforms like Reddit, Reddit, or Twitter to connect with local bowlers. Search for bowling-related groups or pages and join them. Introduce yourself and express your interest in finding a reliable place for ball drilling. Engage in conversations and ask for recommendations from the community members.

Evaluate The Recommendations

Based on the recommendations received from online communities and social media platforms, evaluate the suggested pro shops by considering proximity, reputation, expertise, and customer reviews. Narrow down your options to a few that align with your requirements.

Visit The Recommended Pro Shops

Take the time to visit the recommended pro shops in person. This will give you an opportunity to assess the facility, meet the staff, and gather first-hand impressions of their services. Inquire about their ball drilling services, equipment, and any additional services they offer.

Discuss Your Needs

Explain your bowling experience, skill level, and specific requirements for ball drilling to the staff at the recommended pro shops. They will guide you in selecting the right ball and discuss the drilling options available to match your hand specifications.

Evaluate The Pro Shops

Consider factors such as the staff’s knowledge and expertise, the quality of the equipment, and the overall customer experience when evaluating the recommended pro shops. Please pay attention to their professionalism, attention to detail, and willingness to address your concerns.

Select The Pro Shop

Based on your evaluations and the information gathered, choose the pro shop that best meets your requirements and provides a positive experience. Consider factors such as availability of customization options, and the staff’s expertise.

Schedule An Appointment

Contact the selected pro shop and schedule an appointment for ball drilling services. This will ensure that they have dedicated time to focus on your ball and provide personalized service. Ask about any preparation or information they may need from you before your visit.

Visit The Pro Shop For Ball Drilling

Arrive at the scheduled time for your appointment. Provide the pro shop staff with the necessary information regarding your hand specifications, drilling preferences, and any other instructions you have.

Drilling Process

The pro shop staff will utilize their expertise and specialized equipment to drill the holes in the ball according to your specified measurements and preferences. They will ensure proper hole placement, depth, and angles for a comfortable grip and optimal performance.

Additional Services And Accessories

While at the pro shop, inquire about any additional services or accessories they offer that can enhance your bowling experience. This may include finger/thumb inserts, grip adjustments, or other customization options.

Payment And Completion

Once the drilling process is complete, pay for the ball drilling services and any additional services or accessories you’ve acquired. The pro shop staff will provide you with the newly drilled bowling ball, ready for use on the lanes.

Conclusion (Where Can I Get A Bowling Ball Drilled Near Me)

It’s important to note that the availability of services may vary depending on your location. Always contact the establishments mentioned above to inquire about their services before visiting.

When getting a bowling ball drilled, finding a trusted pro shop that can cater to your specific needs is crucial. Whether you prefer the convenience of on-site pro shops at bowling centers, the variety offered by sporting goods stores, the online shopping experience, or the recommendations from local bowling associations and communities, there are several avenues to explore.

When deciding, consider factors like expertise, customer reviews, and proximity. With suitable drilling, your bowling ball can be customized to fit your hand perfectly, giving you a better grip and improving your overall game. Happy bowling.

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